BC Bud Depot

Initially established as a Provincial Growing Association in the late 1990’s, the BC Bud Depot now breeds the full range of the Province’s Best Varieties.

All of their varieties of British Columbia Marijuana Seeds are Excellent for Growing and many of them are Cannabis Cup Winners.

The BC Bud Depot offers only the highest quality of marijuana genetics and they guarantee they are the best.

A byword for quality and consistency in their own right, BC Bud Depot is a renowned Canadian cannabis seed producer with more than three decades of industry experience.  Recipient of multiple Cannabis Cup awards and accolades over the years, the seed bank started out as a provincial association and evolved into one of the most celebrated and iconic cannabis breeders operating on the commercial market.

One of the largest and most successful cannabis seed breeders operating out of Canada, their comprehensive range includes feminized seeds and their selection of individual award-winning favorites such as BC God Bud and BC Purps.

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